Summer Awards

#Our Summer Awards

The Summer Awards starts from May – July every year.

Applicants may apply for 2 types of Awards:

1.      Academic Icon Awards- Intellectual

Any Intellectual can apply in the category of Academic Icon Award (Intellectual). S/he has to mention about her/ his Teaching Methodology, Innovation Skills, Research guidance, Research Publications, Book/Book Chapter Publication, Entrepreneurial skills, Social Responsiveness, Leadership Skill, Mentoring skills, Academic mentoring etc.


2.        Academic Icon Awards- Learner

Any student/ scholar can apply in the category of Academic Icon Award (Learner). She has to mention about her Learner Skills, Presentation Skills, Academic Score, Research Publications, Innovation Skill, Research Projects, Book Publication, Social Responsiveness, Leadership Skill, Skill Development, and Number of Awards Achieved at State/ National/ International Level.

Applicants from all over the world may also apply for the award by submitting Authority Letter issued by the Competent Authority of their current Institution along with fulfillment of above parameters.


1.     Women Icon Award: Qualification is not a barrier for this award

2.     Academic Icon Awards- Intellectual: Qualified Teachers as per UGC norms (for Indians) and Statutory Council Norms (for Indians and rest of the World)

3.     Academic Icon Awards- Learner: Female students from all over the world must be enrolled in any Institution (School/ College/ University).



Any Nari (Woman), Shikshak (Teacher) or Chhatra (Student) may apply for the respective awards at My Award & Ranking Platform. The jury will scrutinize the application against the parameters. If you qualify the parameters then your nomination will be confirmed and you have to proceed with online payment of nomination fee.

After seven days of this process the applicant will be provided a link to share with friends, family, colleagues and other public to like and vote for them. The Applicant will get one month to grab maximum likes and votes.

The weightage of Jury is 30% and Public opinion is 70%. There will be no overall ranking except the difference in number of votes by public to various applicants.